Guided Lab Tours

Guided Lab Tours at the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics

The Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) offers the opportunity for guided tours through their labours.

The lab tours only take place at Thursday, October 31st 2013.
The meeting point is in the foyer of the library of the MPIK.
The lab tours start at 14:30 and last for about one hour.

Unfortunately, the maximal number of participants is limited to 30. Thus participants, who are interested in taking part, are asked to registrate at time. This can be done in scope of the regular registration.

For reasons of radiation protection and safety pupils are not allowed to participate in the guided lab tours.

More information about the reseach topics at the MPIK can be found at:

Note: We ask the participants to take the bus which leaves at Bismarckplatz at 13:45 for being at time.

Guided Lab Tours at the Haus der Astronomie

Along our astronomical tour at the Königsstuhl we nopt only make a stop at the telescopes of the Landessternwarte (observatory) and Max-Planck Institute for Astronomie, but also proceed to the planetarium of the Haus der Astronomie (House of Astronomy) where we make a virtual journey through the universe including the highlights of Heidelberg's research on astronomy.

The Haus der Astronomie (HdA) on top of the Königsstuhl offers a guided lab tour on Thursday, October 31st 2013.
The participants are picked up at the bus stop "Königsstuhl" at 13:30 (Bus 39, departs at Bismarckplatz at 12:45), or some minutes later in front of the HdA.
The guided tour lasts for two hours so that the participants can easily arrive at the MPIK where the meeting is officially opened.

The number of participants is limited to 30. If you are interested contact .

Picture: Haus der Astronomie, HdA/M. Pössel

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