Poster Session

The poster session will take place in the foyer of the Faculty for Physics on Friday, October 16, 2015 from 4:15 – 5:45 pm. The partition walls offer space for DIN A0 series posters (85 x 120 cm), which can be put on the walls on the morning at the same day.

The presenting authors are kindly asked to be available on site to discuss their posters.

Please note: The partition walls will be removed on Sunday, so you can leave the posters on the walls on Saturday. Unfortunately, we will have to trash the remaining posters on the walls on Sunday. The organizing committee assumes no liability for the posters.

During the poster session coffee and snacks will be served.

Poster prize: The best posters (and their presentation) will be chosen by a jury and will be announced during the Conferencedinner. The prizes are presented by the Innsbrucker Doctoral Programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules.

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